500 in 1 game tape for Electronics 4 non-repeating game buttons
Besides the Band of 400 games, recently officially launched the extremely magical 500 in 1 game tape with built-in 500 games associated with your childhood and many games that could very well be…
Beautiful design. The games in the tape do not match. ABS material
Suitable for all 8-bit game consoles (cannot be used for 16-bit SEGA)
Besides the 400 game cassette, then Recently, officially launched the extremely magical 500 in 1 game tape with built-in 500 games associated with your childhood and many games that you may not have discovered.
With only this 500 in 1 tape, you can comfortably play the game more and more without having to disassemble, surely this tape will be an extremely wise choice for “addicts”. NES ”
Product prices on web.co.bw are inclusive of tax according to applicable law. However, depending on the type of product or method, delivery address, there may be additional costs such as shipping fees, surcharges. bulky, …..