
Virtual Reality Explained

The success of Pokemon GO did a great job at introducing people to the concept of ‘augmented reality’ (AR) but how much do you know about ‘virtual reality’ (VR)?

Virtual Realities are computer-generated environments taken and simulated from real life to give the user both a realistic and immersive experience. It involves computer-generated perception which blends into the real and virtual worlds. 

It allows users to explore places which otherwise they would not be able to visit. In learning, VR makes education comfortable and experimenting with artificial environments easy.

A French startup, Revinax, has developed a virtual reality app called The Immersive Tutorial, which trains medical practitioners to gain insight to the know-how and techniques. Just by wearing a pair of VR goggles, the users steps into the shoes of a surgical doctor. Its an exercise to increase surgical expertise especially for students by immersing themselves into the procedure.

The great thing about VR is that it immerse people into worlds and it provide them with a sixth-sense. It feels like you can touch everyday objects and operate appliances in the virtual world. This application has found itself being used in across many industries.

While virtual-reality may feel like something out of a science fiction movie, still other companies are showing off what virtual-reality can do, opening up potential applications and opportunities in their respective industry.

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